Friday, December 16, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
our 6 month old
To celebrate Xander's 1/2 birthday (really our Nation's Independence) we went camping for 3 nights. Xander slept better in the tent then he had been at home. Yeah, his sleep has been a huge change in the past couple months. He wakes up now once around 5am for some milk then back to sleep for a couple hours. But there have been many nights were he as waking a couple times for food and at least once where it was 4 times!!!! Not ok! Last week we started letting him cry it out if he woke before 4:30 or so, the first cry session lasted about 40 minutes :( He is doing better and doesn't cry long if he wakes up at all before the morning snack time.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
remember father's day?
blogging again
I wish I blogged more. I read other people's blog and think about posting on my own blog and then never do it. That's lame. I'm going to do better.
Something has been on my mind for over a month now. I was visiting a friend in Utah (see my Utah trip should definitely be on this blog) and he was holding Xander and said said to me, "Look at you living your dream!" Wow. That's right. I am living my dream. I always wanted to be a wife and a mother and now I am doing it. Wow. That's cool. After I left him I spent more time thinking about this dream of mine I'm living:
Is this how I saw myself as a wife? Am I the kind of wife I want to be?
What was I like as a mommy in my dream? Am I there?
What can I do better?
What should I change or improve?Is there anything I need to eliminate?
I kind of think about this often, I feel so blessed to have a family and I want to make sure I am making the most of it. I'm aware how fast time goes and before I know it we'll be empty-nesters. The other day the house was extremely messy, having not really unpacked from a camping trip, being busy teaching summer school for 3 days and feeling lazy. I thought is this my dream? Is this how I saw my living room looking in my dream? Is this how imagined feeling? NO. I don't want a messy house, I don't want to feel annoyed about it all of the time. I got my bum in gear and slowly (feeding and kissing the boys in my life take a lot of time) things are getting back in order.
Today I'm feeling like the woman in my dreams. Laundry is going (although in my dreams I had a maid. All my dreams can't come true. Life isn't that perfect), the house smells like banana chocolate muffins, Xander is happy and well fed rolling all over the vacuumed-just-yesterday floor. I am happy. I feel so blessed.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
mother's day
Thursday, May 12, 2011
can't sleep
A: What are you doing?
J: Just watching the sunset
A: Who you watching it with?
J: Myself
A: What are you doing now?
J: Waiting
A: Waiting for what?
J: (Shrugs shoulders) the trophy truck to come by
A: The trophy truck, huh? What does the trophy truck have?
J: Trophies. Duh!
A: (laughs) that was a dumb question I guess
A: What you chewing on?
J: A piece of plastic
A: A piece of plastic? Why are you chewing on a piece of plastic?
J: Cause it was in my mouth
A: Why don’t you chew on something else?
J: It’s not in my mouth
A: I love you sweetie. Do you love me?
J: Yes
A: What do you love about me?
J: Your wridheh fitd inthe wat r
A: What?
J: Your wrists fit in the water
A: Wow, I’m glad they do, that’s a good thing
Love you sweetheart!
Friday, May 6, 2011
4 months old
He is super easy going, he wakes up crying or at least fussing in the morning around 7am, after he eats he is in such a great mood. About an hour later he is ready for a long nap in the swing. He sleeps for close to 3 hours, wakes up fussy, eats and plays for a couple hours. This cycle continues for the rest of the day although his longest nap is the morning one. He only gets fussy when he's hungry, if we're feeding him and take his milk away to burp him he gets MAD at us, but it's kind of funny.
Still has poop explosions, but I don't feel there is much to do about that. We just always make sure to have a change of clothes for him. He also still spits up A LOT, I can't wait until that decreases. Even though he smiles all of the time he still barely laughs. Sometimes I can get some good giggles from him, but most of the time when we tickle him he acts like we're hurting him. He loves other kids, his brothers and cousins. He definitely knows that we are his mom and dad and that makes us so HAPPY! He is nursing better, although it seems like I don't always have enough milk for him, but no big deal I just make him a bottle and he gladly eats that.
The big news this month is that Xander's best little cousin was born on May 2nd. Welcome Henry Lewis Nyland! We are so excited he is finally here, it will be so fun to watch these 2 little ones grow up together. I love that we get to live so close to a lot of our family, we feel so blessed.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Q is for Queen

- 2 competitive boys
- adjusting to dad’s house
- love stick swords and poking eyes out.
- Special talents: collecting bugs, spreading glorious mud, acquiring wild pets, and getting the upper hand.
- No video-games
- No TV
- No corporal punishment
- Oh yeah—and each comes with a hidden stash of candy

The Results:
- Each night one of us got to pick out our favorite dinner and she bought, prepared, and served it to us.
- She also fed the missionaries.
- She decided Grey could throw a party for his friends at our house on Friday and “was so cool!”
- The house stayed pretty much orderly throughout.
- The boys both had 1-on-1 time with each of us.
- Baby’s still happy and growing.
- She spent time teaching Aidan how to read
- We had a PHENOMENAL date night.
- She managed to let me sleep in till 10:00am on Saturday.
- Sunday, while I was at meetings, she got all 3 boys to church early and delivered a home-made hot sausage egg McMuffin…with cheese. Melting, dripping, cheddar cheese
- Both boys wrote in their journals and posted on this blog (their own words).
- We dyed Easter Eggs
- Family trip to Arena Sports for free!
- Cousin sleepover where the kids stayed up late partying in a tent built in our living room
- Not a single complaint about the 4 taquito-fed minnow guests which lived rent-free in her Tupperware

We joked after the boys left about how surprisingly well everything had gone. It wasn’t till then that I realized that all of this had been done with an amazing amount of grace.
In many of the fairy tales I love, there is a theme of the prince growing up to face his kingdom duties. Usually the luxury-laden royal child resists the royal responsibility and seeks adventure or escape, but in the very best of these tales, the prince or princess rises up and takes on the duties of the kingdom –often with grace and elegance.
When we got engaged, I hoped I had chosen a Quality princess. Alicia got this big “Q” for our wedding party and it hangs in our entry-way. I love that her last name is Quigley now and that she helps govern our little Quigley kingdom. I’m a bit proud of our Quigley name and love that she bought (and painted) the “Q”. But the more I know her, see her work, and the way she carries herself, I the more I realize that in our house, Q is for Queen.
from Aidan
from Greyson
All in all I think/know that these have been some pretty exciting months!
a name and a blessing
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
we have a 3 month old
- Xander sleeps at least 8 hours at night and numerous 1-3 hour naps through the day
- He is pretty good at nursing, it has been a LONG, hard road, but he is a trooper and each day we (both) get better at it
- He loves to suck on his fingers, fists, arms, anything he can find
- He takes naps in the swing (but our blessed swing broke and this week his nap time have struggled a bit)
- He falls to sleep for the night on his own, I think it's smart how he knows it's night and time for a longer sleep (he might be a genius!)
- He has thrush, and has for months, we can't get rid of it
- He has a darling dimple on his left cheek, his smile is too die for, sometimes when he smiles he even does this cute shy look where he puts his head down
- He knows his brothers and loves the attention he gets from them, they adore him
- Xander-mander has to wear a swaddle in his car seat or he'll cry the whole time, very occasionally he can go a short distance without freaking out, he also wears the swaddle to sleep
- He has a pretty consistent eat, play, sleep daily routine
- He takes a bottle and always has, but that allows us to have a babysitter every week and that is AMAZING (we love our date night)
- Now the gross stuff, he spits up a lot and it's nasty and he only poops every couple days and it is usually a big deal and requires all that he is wearing to soak in the sink
- Xander spends his day getting loved, kissed, and adored...we all love this special little guy
Monday, March 21, 2011
2 years

2 years ago today we were married. It feels longer, not in a bad way, but it feels like we've always been together sort of way. Lindsay asked me if it's been what I thought it would be like and my answer is that it has been better. Cheese. There was the initial getting used to living with someone and learning how to be a partner, but those really weren't even hard lessons to learn. Being married is different than being single, obviously. I love this not-so-new life of mine. I picked a fabulous person to be married to. James is perfect for me! He is very patient and gentle with me and my weaknesses. He is humble with his own. He teaches me daily about serving, loving and becoming a better person. He is the best cheerleader a girl can have. Having a happy, successful marriage is extremely important to him and he is willing to do what it takes, even the hard stuff. Before I was married I worried some about being a good wife, I knew a little about being a mom, but as for a wife that was super new to me. I am proud to say that I am a great wife, it suits me. Being married to James is one thing I know for sure I was meant to do in this life. It is my passion. I love to make him happy and love to be on the receiving end of his love. Life is wonderful. I am so blessed.