Friday, January 15, 2010

more family photos

My sister Monica took these pictures of us Thanksgiving weekend at the Farmers in their backyard. I love them. They make me so happy. We are so blessed.


  1. Love the pictures! What a good-looking family you are!

    Can't wait to see you all again.

  2. Those are some great pics!
    (Rachel signed in as Bracan)

  3. Farrar! You....look....gorgeous!!

  4. these are so great! i'm jealous! my family needs to do pictures ... i mean nicki took them of the wiscombe clan and my own shaws ... but it was cold and people were not cooperating as they should ... i need to have her do it again this spring/summer before they ditch out to TX! But WOW monica did a great job! Love the one of you and james standing and the boys on the couch! too cute!


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